Hi There,
Nice to meet you.
My name is Gerwin Brand. Welcome to my site. I am a professional chef with a passion for naturally leavened sourdough bread. As I am aspiring to open my own bakery, I set up this website to introduce you to sourdough and share my passion for this delicious healthy bread with you. I hope the information I am providing will help you to understand and appreciate sourdough bread better and that you will start eating it on a more regular basis. Much of this information I gathered by trail and error baking sourdough at home over the past 18 years, as well as by connecting with professional bakers and reading up on the subject.
Next to baking, cooking obviously still plays an important role in my life. It all starts with good ingredients, preferably home grown. Looking for a more sustainable and circular way of producing our daily food, I hope to inspire you with ideas and recipes.
Let me take you on a journey.